
Fundamental Ratios

TTMNPMGN: Trailing Twelve Months Net Profit Margin
NLOW: Stock Price Low
ACFSHR: Average Common Shares Outstanding
ALTCL: Average Long-Term Current Liabilities
TTMPRCFPS: Trailing Twelve Months Price-to-Cash Flow Per Share
TTMCFSHR: Trailing Twelve Months Cash Flow Per Share
ASFCF: Average Shares Outstanding (possibly referring to shares outstanding in the context of cash flow)
AEPSNORM: Adjusted Earnings Per Share (EPS) Normalized
TTMRECTURN: Trailing Twelve Months Return on Equity
AATCA: Average Assets Total (possibly average total assets)
QCSHPS: Quarterly Cash Per Share
TTMFCF: Trailing Twelve Months Free Cash Flow
LATESTADATE: Latest As-of Date (referring to the most recent date)
APTMGNPCT: Adjusted Pretax Margin Percentage
IAD: Dividend Income (possibly an abbreviation related to dividends)
TTMNIAC: Trailing Twelve Months Net Income After Taxes
EV_Cur: Current Enterprise Value (EV)
QATCA: Quarterly Average Total Common Assets
PR2TANBK: Price-to-Tangible Book Value Ratio
TTMFCFSHR: Trailing Twelve Months Free Cash Flow Per Share

NPRICE: Normalized Price (possibly referring to a price adjusted for certain factors)
ASICF: Average Shares Issued for Conversion (possibly related to convertible securities)
REVTRENDGR: Revenue Trend Growth Rate
QSCEX: Quarterly Shares Outstanding (possibly referring to shares outstanding on a quarterly basis)
PRICE2BK: Price-to-Book Value Ratio
ALSTD: Average Long-Term Debt (possibly average long-term liabilities)
AOTLO: Average Outstanding Total Liabilities and Obligations (average of total liabilities)
TTMPAYRAT: Trailing Twelve Months Payout Ratio
QPR2REV: Quarterly Price-to-Revenue Ratio
TTMREVCHG: Trailing Twelve Months Revenue Change Percentage
TTMROAPCT: Trailing Twelve Months Return on Average Assets Percentage
QTOTCE: Quarterly Total Common Equity
APENORM: Adjusted Pretax Earnings Percentage (normalized)
QLTCL: Quarterly Long-Term Current Liabilities
QSFCF: Quarterly Sales/Total Current Funds (possibly related to cash flow)
TTMROIPCT: Trailing Twelve Months Return on Invested Capital Percentage
DIVGRPCT: Dividend Growth Rate Percentage
QOTLO: Quarterly Outstanding Total Liabilities and Obligations (total liabilities)
TTMEPSCHG: Trailing Twelve Months Earnings Per Share Change Percentage
YIELD: Dividend Yield
TTMREVPS: Trailing Twelve Months Revenue Per Share

TTMEBT: Trailing Twelve Months Earnings Before Taxes
ADIV5YAVG: Average Dividend Yield for the Last 5 Years
Frac52Wk: Fraction of the Price in the Last 52 Weeks
NHIG: Stock Price High
ASCEX: Average Shares Outstanding for Common Equity (possibly referring to common shares outstanding)
QTA: Quarterly Total Assets
TTMGROSMGN: Trailing Twelve Months Gross Margin Percentage
QTL: Quarterly Total Liabilities
AFPRD: Average Fixed and Perpetual Redeemable Debt (average of certain types of debt)
QCURRATIO: Quick Ratio (also known as Acid-Test Ratio)
TTMREV: Trailing Twelve Months Revenue
TTMINVTURN: Trailing Twelve Months Inventory Turnover
QCASH: Quarterly Cash and Cash Equivalents
QLSTD: Quarterly Long-Term Debt (possibly long-term liabilities)
TTMOPMGN: Trailing Twelve Months Operating Margin Percentage
TTMPR2REV: Trailing Twelve Months Price-to-Revenue Ratio
QSICF: Quarterly Shares Issued for Conversion (possibly related to convertible securities)
TTMNIPEREM: Trailing Twelve Months Net Income Per Employee
EPSCHNGYR: Earnings Per Share Change Over the Year
TTMPRFCFPS: Trailing Twelve Months Per-Share Free Cash Flow Per Share

TTMPTMGN: Trailing Twelve Months Pre-Tax Margin Percentage
AREVPS: Average Revenue Per Share
AEBTNORM: Adjusted Earnings Before Taxes Normalized
ASOPI: Average Shares Outstanding for Preferred and Convertible Preferred Stock (possibly referring to preferred shares)
NetDebt_I: Net Debt to Invested Capital Ratio
PRYTDPCTR: Prior Year to Date Price Change Percentage
TTMEBITD: Trailing Twelve Months Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)
AFEEPSNTM: Adjusted Fully Diluted Earnings Per Share Next Twelve Months
EPSTRENDGR: Earnings Per Share Trend Growth Rate
QTOTD2EQ: Quarterly Total Debt to Total Equity Ratio
QSOPI: Quarterly Shares Outstanding for Preferred and Convertible Preferred Stock (possibly preferred shares outstanding)
QBVPS: Quarterly Book Value Per Share
YLD5YAVG: 5-Year Average Dividend Yield
PR13WKPCT: Price Change Percentage over the Last 13 Weeks
PR52WKPCT: Price Change Percentage over the Last 52 Weeks
AROAPCT: Average Return on Average Preferred Capital Percentage
QTOTLTD: Quarterly Total Long-Term Debt
TTMEPSXCLX: Trailing Twelve Months Earnings Per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items
QPRCFPS: Quarterly Per-Share Regular Cash Flow from Operations
QTANBVPS: Quarterly Tangible Book Value Per Share

AROIPCT: Average Return on Invested Preferred Capital Percentage
QEBIT: Quarterly Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
QEBITDA: Quarterly Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)
MKTCAP: Market Capitalization
TTMINTCOV: Trailing Twelve Months Interest Coverage Ratio
TTMROEPCT: Trailing Twelve Months Return on Equity Percentage
TTMREVPERE: Trailing Twelve Months Revenue Per Employee
AEPSXCLXOR: Adjusted Earnings Per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items and Other Items
QFPRD: Quarterly Preferred Dividends
REVCHNGYR: Revenue Change Over the Year
AFPSS: Average Fully Paid and Subscribed Shares (possibly referring to average fully issued shares)
CURRENCY: Currency in which the values are denominated (USD for United States Dollar in this case)
EV2EBITDA_Cur: Current Enterprise Value-to-EBITDA Ratio
PEEXCLXOR: Price-to-Earnings Ratio Excluding Extraordinary Items and Other Items
QQUICKRATI: Quarterly Quick Ratio
ASINN: Average Shares Issued for New Equity (possibly referring to newly issued shares)
QFPSS: Quarterly Fully Paid and Subscribed Shares (possibly referring to fully issued shares)
BETA: Beta (a measure of a stock's volatility in relation to the market)
ANIACNORM: Adjusted Net Income After Taxes Normalized
PR1WKPCT: Price Change Percentage over the Last 1 Week
QLTD2EQ: Quarterly Long-Term Debt to Total Equity Ratio
QSINN: Quarterly Shares Issued for New Equity (possibly referring to newly issued shares)
PR4WKPCT: Price Change Percentage over the Last 4 Weeks
AEBIT: Adjusted Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)

Security Type

* 'STK' = Stock (or ETF)
* 'OPT' = Option
* 'FUT' = Future
* 'IND' = Index
* 'FOP' = Futures option
* 'CASH' = Forex pair
* 'CFD' = CFD
* 'BAG' = Combo
* 'WAR' = Warrant
* 'BOND' = Bond
* 'CMDTY' = Commodity
* 'NEWS' = News
* 'FUND' = Mutual fund
* 'CRYPTO' = Crypto currency
* 'EVENT' = Bet on an event

Valid Bar Size Setting:

Historical data bar size setting is invalid. Legal ones are: 1 secs, 5 secs, 10 secs, 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 1 day, 1W, 1M,

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IB Types of Orders