|-- Ancient_Empires
|   |-- Akkadian_Empire (2334-2154 BCE)
|       -- Founded by Sargon of Akkad in Mesopotamia.
|   |-- Babylonian_Empire (1900-1600 BCE)
|       -- Hammurabi is its most famous ruler, known for the Code of Hammurabi.
|   |-- New_Kingdom_Egypt (1570-1070 BCE)
|       -- Era of powerful pharaohs like Ramses II and vast territorial expansion.
|   |-- Achaemenid_Empire (550-330 BCE)
|       -- Founded by Cyrus the Great, eventually conquered by Alexander the Great.
|   |-- Hellenistic_Empires (323-31 BCE)
|       -- Post-Alexander the Great's death, his empire divided into smaller empires like the Seleucid, Ptolemaic, and Antigonid Empires.
|       |-- Seleucid
|       |-- Ptolemaic
|       |-- Antigonid

|-- Classical_and_Medieval_Empires
|   |-- Roman_Empire (27 BCE-476 AD)
|        -- Founded by Augustus. The western half fell in 476 AD, while the eastern half (Byzantine Empire) continued until 1453.
|       |-- Byzantine_Empire (330-1453 AD)
|           -- Eastern continuation of the Roman Empire, with Constantinople as its capital.
|   |-- Qin_and_Han_Dynasties (221 BCE-220 AD)
|        -- Qin Shi Huang first unifies China in 221 BCE. Han Dynasty follows as one of China's golden ages.
|   |-- Mongol_Empire (1206-1368)
|        -- Founded by Genghis Khan, it becomes the largest contiguous land empire in history.
|   |-- Islamic_Caliphates (711-1492 AD)
|        -- Including the Umayyad, Abbasid, and various regional empires.
|       |-- Umayyad
|       |-- Abbasid

|-- Early_Modern_Empires
|   |-- Ottoman_Empire (1300-1922)
|       -- Founded by Osman I, it reaches its height under Suleiman the Magnificent.
|   |-- Spanish_Empire (1492-1975)
|       -- Begins with the conquests in the Americas, becoming one of the most powerful global empires.
|   |-- Portuguese_Empire (1415-1999)
|       -- One of the first global empires, establishing colonies in Brazil, Africa, and Asia.
|   |-- British_Empire (1583-1997)
|       -- At its height, it's the largest empire in history in terms of total land area, with the saying "The sun never sets on the British Empire."
|   |-- Russian_Empire (1721-1917)
|       -- Becomes one of the world's leading powers, eventually transitioning to the Soviet Union post-1917.
|       |-- Soviet_Union (1922-1991)
|   |-- Qing_Dynasty (1644-1912)
|       -- Last imperial dynasty of China, ending over 2,000 years of imperial rule.
|   |-- French_Empire (1804-1960)
|   |-- Dutch_Empire (1602-1975)
|   |-- German_Empire (1871-1918)
|   |-- Japanese_Empire (1868-1947)
|   |-- Belgian_Empire (1908-1962)
|   |-- Italian_Empire (1882-1947)
|   |-- American_Empire (late 19th century-present)*