“There are very few things which we know, which are not capable of being reduced to a mathematical reasoning. And when they cannot, it’s a sign our knowledge of them is very small and confused. Where a mathematical reasoning can be had, it’s as great a folly to make use of any other, as to grope for a thing in the dark, when you have a candle standing by you.” —Of the Laws of Chance, Preface (1692) John Arbuthnot (1667–1735)

Sisyphus Paradigm:

Sisyphus paradigm was a king who was punished by the gods for his deceitfulness by being forced to push a boulder up a hill for eternity. I like the analogy because thats exactly how I currently feel.

Meta-Strategy Paradigm

Book is a research manual for teams, not individuals. Proposes setting up a research factor as well as various stations of the assembly line. The role of each quant is to specialize in a task and be the best there is it at it and to have a holistic view of the entire process.

Makes analogy to gold and silver extraction where things aren’t as they used to and that the true alpha thats left nowadays is microscopic but much more abundant than macroscopic alpha. The methods now require much more capital intensive industrial methods and heavy ML tools.

Production Line Participants

Portfolio Oversight

  1. Embargo: strategy is run on data observed after the end date of the backtest. If embargoes performance is consistent with the backtest results, the strategy is promoted to the next stage.
  2. Paper Trading: Strategy run on live, real time feed until we have enough evidence that the strategy performs as expected
  3. Graduation: manages a real position. Performance is evaulated precisely (risk, returns, costs)
  4. Reallocation: based on performance based on the production performance, the allocation to graduated strategies is re-assessed frequently and automatically in the context of a diversified portfolio. In general, a strategy’s allocation follows a concave function. The initial allocation (at graduation) is small. As time passes, and the strategy performs as expected, the allocation is increased. Over time, performance decays, and allocations become gradually smaller.
    1. Decommission: Eventually, all strategies are discontinued. This happens when they perform below expectations for a sufficiently extended period of time to conclude that the supporting theory is no longer backed by empirical evidence.